Emran Esfandiari

With over 8 years of experience in lending at various banks
holding an MBA degree
licensed mortgage agent
and a member of the Mortgage Professionals Canada (MPC) professional community

Specialized Mortgage Financing Services in Canada
We provide comprehensive and precise updates on the status of your application and the actions taken at every stage of financial procurement. Throughout the entire mortgage acquisition process, we stand by your side to ensure optimal outcomes.
Exceptional Rates and Low Fees
Collaborating with a wide spectrum of lenders, including A&B lenders and private institutions, we guarantee the most competitive mortgage rates with minimal fees possible.
Unique Mortgage Procurement Methods
From innovative shared equity programs to a diverse range of mortgage options, including debt consolidation, refinancing, equity release, and more, we offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

Are you ready to make your dream of buying a home a reality? Contact me today for a free consultation on mortgage financing in Canada!

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Mortgage in Canada

Purchasing a home in Canada, as a developed country with a high standard of living, is a dream for many individuals. However, housing prices have significantly increased in recent years, making it difficult or even impossible for many individuals to buy property in Canada without obtaining a mortgage loan. A mortgage loan in Canada is a type of long-term loan provided by banks and financial institutions for the purpose of purchasing or constructing a home. In this type of loan, the borrower receives the required amount from the lender and commits to repaying the principal amount along with interest in monthly installments over a specified period (typically 25 to 30 years).

What is a Mortgage in Canada?

Buying a property in Canada, whether for immigrants or current residents, can be challenging due to high prices. A mortgage, or mortgage loan, in Canada is a solution to this problem.

A mortgage is a type of long-term loan with low interest rates provided by banks for the purpose of purchasing property in Canada. In this type of loan, the property deed is held as collateral by the bank, and the borrower commits to repaying the loan installments on time. In case of default, the bank has the right to foreclose and sell the property. A mortgage loan in Canada helps cover the remaining costs of purchasing property after the down payment.

Especially in cities like Toronto, mortgage loans play a crucial role in providing homeownership opportunities. Given the high housing prices in this city and the needs of the community, mortgage loans are an indispensable tool in the financial process in Canada. Mortgage loans allow individuals to purchase or improve their homes.

One of the features of mortgage loans in Canada is their relatively low interest rates. Canadian banks and financial institutions are the main sources of these loans and typically lend to individuals with acceptable financial conditions based on criteria such as credit score and income. However, for individuals who do not meet the bank’s criteria, there are government programs to help them access mortgage loans.

In Toronto, with the high demand for housing and skyrocketing prices, mortgage loan programs are very important. These programs include primary home purchase loans, home renovation loans, and more. The variety of mortgage loans in Canada and the financial institutions offering them necessitate consulting with mortgage brokers and advisors for the best choices.

Despite the availability of mortgage loans in Canada, there are still challenges related to accessing mortgage loans in Toronto. One of these challenges is the rising housing prices, which may reduce access to housing and related loans. Additionally, some individuals may not have access to mortgage loans due to financial or credit criteria. An experienced mortgage broker in Canada can provide the best and most suitable solution for any situation.

Conditions for Obtaining a Mortgage in Canada

The conditions for obtaining a mortgage in Canada are divided into two categories: general and specific. General conditions apply to all individuals regardless of their citizenship or residency status. However, individuals’ citizenship status in Canada can influence lenders’ willingness to provide a mortgage.

General Conditions:

  • The property must be habitable throughout the year and located on Canadian soil.
  • A minimum of 5% of the home value must be paid as a down payment. This percentage depends on the property’s status and the applicant’s ability. The down payment can be sourced from savings, property sales, or non-repayable financial gifts from relatives or acquaintances.
  • Acceptable debt-to-income ratios for major banks are a maximum of 44%, and for alternative lenders, a maximum of 65%. This percentage depends on the applicant’s credit history, the lending financial institution, and the amount of the down payment.
  • If the down payment amount is less than 20% of the property value, mortgage insurance must be paid by the applicant.

Specific Conditions:

In general, applicants for mortgage loans in Canada are categorized into four groups:

  1. Citizens and permanent residents: These applicants can obtain loans for up to 95% of the property value for 1 to 2-unit properties and up to 90% for 3 to 4-unit properties. Canadian citizens must prove their creditworthiness and repayment ability to the lender or insurance company. This means their credit score must be at least 680 when applying for a loan from major banks (acceptable credit score levels may vary depending on the financial institution). Additionally, if the down payment is less than 20% of the property price, mortgage insurance must be paid.
  2. Individuals with legal work permits: Mortgage loans are only available for purchasing a single-unit property. Therefore, having a legal work permit in Canada is essential. The buyer must pay a minimum of 10% of the property value as a down payment and reside in the property unit. Additionally, mortgage applicants must provide a referral letter from the country’s financial institutions indicating financial capability. If a 20% down payment is made on the property price, mortgage insurance is not required.
  3. Tourists and students: These applicants must pay a minimum of 35% down payment. Additionally, they must provide documents such as a referral letter from the originating bank, employment certificate, three months’ bank statements, and a referral letter from the bank indicating financial capability. Having a bank account in one of the Canadian banks is mandatory.
  4. Non-residents: Obtaining a mortgage in Canada for individuals with uncertain residency status is more challenging. These applicants must prepare the necessary documents and follow up with mortgage agents for assistance.

Required Documents for Obtaining a Mortgage in Canada

  • Documents related to Employment and Income
  • T4 form: This form is provided by employers to the Canada Revenue Agency and includes details such as wages, benefits, and tax deductions.
  • Pay stubs: Pay stubs show the details of the applicant’s wages and salaries for each pay period.
  • Employer letter: This letter should include information such as the applicant’s employment history, job title, salary, and benefits.
  • Certificate of Registration/Articles of Incorporation for your company: If your source of income is from a personal business, you must provide the articles of incorporation or certificate of registration for your company along with other documents such as bank statements for at least 6 months to the lender.
  • Documents related to Investments: Bank statements, deposit certificates, and documents related to stocks and other assets are included in these documents.
  • Documents related to Business Income: These documents include tax returns, profit and loss statements, and cash flow reports.
  • Documents related to Financial Status
  • Investment and savings statements for the last 90 days: This statement includes details of all the applicant’s bank accounts, stocks, and other assets. The applicant must be able to explain and justify the source of these funds.
  • Withdrawal document from a retirement savings plan (if using a homebuyer’s plan): This document includes details of the withdrawal amount and how it will be used to purchase a home in Canada.
  • Documents related to Financial Assistance
  • Letter from the assisting person (if receiving financial assistance from family members or friends): This letter must clearly state that the amount given is a gift and does not require repayment. Details of the assistance amount, date, and method of transfer should also be mentioned in this letter.

Steps to Obtain a Mortgage in Canada

  1. Determine the type of mortgage you need. Each lender has its own specific requirements and conditions for providing mortgages. Before applying for a mortgage, be sure to review the lender’s terms and conditions to ensure you meet the requirements for obtaining a mortgage.

  2. Gather necessary documents. Lenders require various documents for evaluating your mortgage application, including identification documents, employment documents, and income-related documents. Prepare the required documents and provide them to the lender.

  3. Submit your mortgage application to the lender. After collecting all the necessary documents, you can submit your mortgage application to the lender.

  4. The lender will review your application. The lender will review your application and make a decision regarding the approval of the mortgage.

  5. If your application is approved, the lender will provide you with the mortgage terms. Before signing the mortgage agreement, carefully review the terms and conditions provided by the lender. Once you accept the terms, you will receive the mortgage.

What is the amount of mortgage in Canada?

The average mortgage in Canada in 2023 is $320,298 CAD. This figure represents the average of mortgages across the entire country and varies in different provinces and cities. Generally, housing prices in major Canadian cities like Toronto and Vancouver are higher than in other parts of the country.

As for the bank interest rates for mortgages in Canada:

Fixed Interest Rate: Choosing a fixed interest rate provides stability in your monthly payments until the end of the contract period. This stability helps with financial planning and predicting expenses. If the interest rate increases during the contract period, you will be protected from this increase until the end of the contract period. Currently, mortgages with fixed interest rates have lower interest rates compared to variable interest rate mortgages.

Variable Interest Rate: Currently, due to the possibility of interest rate decreases in the coming years, mortgages with variable interest rates have higher interest rates compared to fixed-rate mortgages. However, in general, these types of mortgages expose the borrower to more risk regarding potential fluctuations in interest rates. If desired, you can change your interest rate to a fixed rate during the contract period.

Role of Mortgage Agent and Experts in Canada

Buying a home in Canada, whether for the first time or as an investment, can be a complex and challenging process. One of the most important stages of this process is obtaining the right mortgage.

Mortgage laws in Canada can be complex and sometimes variable, making the process of applying for a mortgage difficult and time-consuming. In such circumstances, consulting with mortgage consultants and experts in Canada can play a vital role in facilitating this process and achieving the best mortgage conditions. Mortgage consultants in Canada are experienced professionals who are fully familiar with the laws and regulations of mortgage in Canada.

  1. Choosing the appropriate type of mortgage: There are different types of mortgages with different terms and interest rates in Canada. Mortgage consultants can recommend the most suitable type of mortgage by considering the financial conditions and needs of the applicant.

  2. Providing accurate predictions: Consultants provide accurate predictions of the amount of mortgage that can be obtained, the interest rate, and monthly installments by considering the applicant’s conditions.

  3. Collecting necessary documents: The process of applying for a mortgage requires providing various documents and information. Mortgage consultants in Canada provide a complete list of required documents and assist you in gathering them.

  4. Facilitating administrative processes: Mortgage consultants can negotiate with various lenders and obtain the best conditions for you. They also help you complete the necessary forms and follow up on administrative procedures.

  5. Providing specialized advice: Mortgage consultants in Canada offer specialized advice on various mortgage-related issues, such as mortgage insurance, down payment, and loan amortization.

Benefits of consulting with mortgage consultants:

  • Time and cost savings: With the help of mortgage consultants, you can prevent wasting time and money in the mortgage application process.
  • Stress reduction: The process of obtaining a mortgage in Canada can be stressful for many people. Mortgage consultants help reduce stress and anxiety by providing necessary information and guidance.
  • Access to the best mortgage conditions: Mortgage consultants with expertise in the field of mortgage in Canada can obtain the best mortgage conditions from various lenders.
  • Assurance of the correctness of the process: With the help of mortgage consultants, you can ensure the accuracy of the mortgage application process and its compliance with the laws and regulations of Canada.

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